Finalist, 2002 Kids Philosophy Slam


Dimple Patel

Age 17

North Carolina



The nature of humankind is a much-debated topic.  Some people say that humankind is evil, and that it can be proven by the reactions during the Holocaust.  However, I believe that the nature of humankind is good.  This is because of how I have been treated throughout life.


            I am a shy person until I get to know a person or group fairly well.  When I was accepted to The North Carolina School of Science and Math, fears of mine included that I would never fit in and make new friends.  I was afraid that scenarios I saw on television would be repeated.  However, thanks to the goodness of humankind, I should not have worried.  People went out of their way to talk with me, and soon I became well acquainted, not just with one, but a whole group of people.  This is just one of the many things that makes me believe humankind is good.


            Another reason that I feel humankind is good also has to do with my school.  We are basically a community within Durham, because of the residential aspect that is included in it.  Students are allowed to start any type of club that they feel inclined to, and will even be funded by the school.  Many students have felt the urge to create clubs that give back to the community.  This includes helping out at the animal shelter, offering tutoring services to schools close by, raising awareness to problems all over the world, and also just helping out as peer counselors.  In fact, after the September 11 attack and the US war on terrorism, students from my school donated money to help the people in Afghanistan, as requested by  George W. Bush.  The fact that people were willing to take time out of schedules that I know are very hectic, to help out people and animals in need reinforces my belief that humankind is good.


            A final reason that I believe that humankind is not evil, and is unquestionably good is because of a friend of mine who attempted suicide.  When people found out, not only were they sympathetic towards her family and friends, but they also made many banners and wrote notes to cheer her up while she was recovering.  Even now, people are still emailing her to let her know that people do care, and that, over all other things that I have seen, surprised me.  I have been led to believe by the media that people would condemn her and she would feel like an outcast.  Instead, people did all that they could to let her see that they cared for her.


            All these things that have happened to me lead me to believe that the nature of humankind is good.  People being nice and accepting with no ulterior motives, and giving the gift of time to people that need it reinforce my beliefs.  Through life, I hope I will frequently see evidence of this.


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