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7th Grade Winner

The Most Philosophical 7th Grader in America

 Theresa Augsback

Oak Harbor, Washington


            “Good luck in life and just be good for your family,” are the last words I heard from my neighbors who moved because people did not respect them for the color of their skin.  Evilness is starting to commence good and love in the Nature of Humankind.  Weapons, drugs, death, and terrorism; too much to handle.

            Many years ago, one of the worst events happened, there was slavery, wars, execution, and again, deaths.  The question is why, how come, and what for?  Here are some examples:

            Slavery, why should people be judged by what you look like?  It doesn’t matter what you look like, it matters what’s inside.  Just like the event that happened in 1839, people in Africa were paid to get people from the village and chain them up to go on the La Amistad; a ship that would take them to slavery.  For food, they’d only feed them oatmeal.  Also the people who were sick didn’t get fed.  When they ran out of food, they tied the sick people to a bag of big stones and drown them.  Even a baby had to drown with her mother.

            Almost everyone knows about the terrorism attack that has occurred on September 11. 2001.  Ever since the terrorism attack my school has changed.  People became more protective, stealing has happened a lot lately, friendships have been broken.  Why?  Why us?  What did we do?  My teacher’s opinion is that since we are a free country and have more complex hardware, the terrorists hated us and began to attack.  She said that it’s like a bully is trying to take away your lunch money, well, we’re the bullies.

            In February 11, 1999, my father past in Saudi Arabia.  I was in the fourth grade.  Now I’m in seventh.  I’ve struggled in school, I am quieter than usual, and got into more trouble in school.  I changed ever since I heard about it.  But why my dad?  I guess it proves that God only accepts the best.  But not only I know that, the family that has lost their loved ones in the tragic event of September know that too.

            I’ve chosen that the nature of humankind is evil instead of good.   Amistad, terrorism, and the deaths of a loved one; look at these horrible things.  I hope that you have understood my examples.  Try to find the goodness inside your heart – not the bad.


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