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Privacy Policy

The purpose of the non-profit Kids Philosophy Slam is to promote philosophy, thought and dialog among kids, teachers and parents.

Information collected by the Kids Philosophy Slam includes students name, age, grade level, school and school address and school e-mail address. This information is collected directly and is to be used for the sole purpose of the contest itself, to promote kids philosophy and thought, to notify finalists, their parents and any and all winners of the contest. Schools, winners and finalists may be sent updates on the Kids Philosophy Slam.

The information collected is for the sole use of the Kids Philosophy Slam, and will not be disclosed to third parties. The Kids Philosophy Slam requests only enough information for all kids to participate and to be notified through their schools, or through their parents if home schooled.

Information collected online is for kids 13 and older. Kids under 13 may participate in the Kids Philosophy Slam, but are required to mail entries through their schools or with the help of teachers or parents. E-mail addresses for kids 12 and under will be immediately deleted.

Questions about privacy policy may be directed to:    
John Davis, Director Kids Philosophy Slam, P.O. Box 406, Lanesboro MN 55949 (507)-467-0107

Trademark and Copyright 2002 Kids Philosophy Slam.
For questions regarding this web contact
Privacy Policy
Last updated: November 28, 2001.