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Now over $3,000 in prizes!
Kids Philosophy Slam announces two new awards!

The Robert Felker Award for The Most Poetic Essay. $100 cash prize.

    The Winner is Ariana Holland, New York

The James Buchan Award for Writing Excellence. $100 cash prize.

    The Winner is Eva Westley, Minnesota

Prizes are awarded to:

Winners and runners up for Kids Philosophy Slam at each grade level from 1st grade through 8th grade.


The top 4 Kids Philosophy Slam finalists in grades 9-12.


The top 3 International Slam entries.

Prizes are also awarded to:

The 10th entry received.

Keri R. of Hamersville, Ohio. Winner of Kids Philosophy Slam T-Shirt

The 100th entry received.

Talia K. of River Dale, New Jersey. Winner of Kids Philosophy Slam T-Shirt

The 500th entry received.

Traci M. of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Winner of Kids Philosophy Slam T-Shirt

The 1,000th entry received.

Ellie P. of Cedar, Minnesota. Winner of Kids Philosophy Slam T-Shirt

The 2,000th entry received.

Fatima H. of Brooklyn NY Winner of Kids Philosophy Slam T-Shirt

The school that send in the most entries combined with the best overall judging scores will earn the title of "The Most Philosophical School in America" and will be included in all national media and press releases.

Abington High School, Abington, Massachusetts.


Prizes will be given to the top Special Philosophy Slam entrant.


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Last updated: April 24, 2002.