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Support the Slam

Support by local, regional and national companies, individuals and foundations make the Kids Philosophy Slam possible. Sponsorships and financial support are still needed for this years' Kids Philosophy Slam, and for the 2002 Slam. To make a tax-deductible donation, mail your contribution to: Kids Philosophy Slam, PO Box 406, Lanesboro, MN 55949. Please make checks payable to Cornucopia Art Center, the fiscal agent for the Kids Philosophy Slam.

The Kids Philosophy Slam is made possible in part from donations from individuals like you, and dozens of volunteers from around the country. For more information about sponsorship opportunities or partnerships with your company, please e-mail us at

The Kids Philosophy Slam is supported in part by:

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Internet Service Provider

marketing.gif (5505 bytes) Haberman & Associates
Modern Storytellers for Media + Marketing

The Minnesota Humanities Commission

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Dodger Industries of Fayetteville North Carolina

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Last updated: January 03, 2002.