2010 – 4th Grade 5th Place Winner
Erica Burley, Texas.
Is the Pen Mightier than the Sword?
Is the Pen mightier than the Sword? Well I believe that they both hurt you, because as a kid you know how it feels. It feels terrible when you are told that you are not equal because you are just a kid. When a bully beats you up that hurts.
I hope our president can help the people who are not being treated equally, including African-Americans and the poor. In my opinion, words hurt me more than violence because words are like the sound of gunpowder in my head. As Descartes said “I think therefore I am.” I think, therefore I am hurt every day. Words have hurt me.
As my mom said, “When you look in the mirror, Erica, what do you see? I said, “A black girl.” “No, you are a beautiful, talented, funny black girl. Even though you are different than everyone else, you are still special.” Words can help and encourage me.
Now I walk into class thinking sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may always hurt me.
The Pen and the Sword can both hurt you.

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