2020 Topic: What is the Meaning of Life?
Postmark Deadline for entries and electronic submissions:April 3, 2020.
Guidelines for electronic submissions: Follow all registration and rules for entries. Submit entries as separate word doc attachments for each student submission from a school in one email. Submit artwork/photos in jpg. format. Email to: thekidsphilosophyslam@gmail.com
Over $2,500 in Prizes.
Complete rules and guidelines for:
Philosophical School in America
2nd grade
grade 5th grade
8th grade
School 9th-12th grade
Philosophy Slam
Registration information & entry guidelines, please read carefully!
Teachers may register when entries are submitted. To register, please include all of the following information on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper: complete school name, street address and phone number, name of contact person, e-mail address and phone number. There is a $25 registration fee for schools to participate. Along with your school contact information, please send the registration fee of $25 made out to KPS. Mail registration information along with submissions to: Kids Philosophy Slam P.O. Box 406, Lanesboro, MN 55949. **Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope to acknowledge receipt of your entries by the Kids Philosophy Slam. Home school entries are encouraged, and the registration fee is $2 per home school. Entry guidelines are the same for all schools. Due to the number of entries, essays and artwork cannot be returned. Please copy or document student work before submitting. Winning essays and artwork may be selected to appear on the Kids Philosophy Slam website and/or be used for promotional purposes for Kids Philosophy Slam. Submission is assumed to be permission for such use.
Teachers—if you would like to be on our mailing list, or if you have questions, please e-mail us at thekidsphilosphyslam@gmail.org and include your name and school mailing address and phone number.
New for 2019
School Responsibilities:
Schools & Teachers Submitting Entries:
All Kids Philosophy Slam entries MUST be clearly labeled with student name, age, grade, teacher, school, school address, school phone number and teacher e-mail address. For essays, put this information on the TOP FRONT of your essay. For artwork, please securely label this information on the TOP BACK of the artwork only. Mail submissions along with registration info to: Kids Philosophy Slam P.O. Box 406, Lanesboro, MN 55949. On a separate sheet of paper, please include school contact information, the total number of entries submitted from your school and the total number of entries from each grade level. **Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope or post card to acknowledge receipt of your entries by the Kids Philosophy Slam.
Most Philosophical School in America!
Small can be mighty! Any school of any size can show off its philosophical attitude!
Schools competing for the title of "The Most Philosophical School in America" should include on a separate cover sheet the following information in addition to all entries submitted: Name of contact person, phone number and e-mail address for your school, the total number of entries submitted by your school, the total number of students enrolled in your school, and description of supplemental school initiative information enclosed.
The Most Philosophical School in America will be determined by the following criteria: School initiative, philosophical creativity and overall excellence of the entries submitted. School initiatives may vary from submitting a school video showing students engaging in a philosophical project, podcasts, philosophical conversations, or simply encouraging other schools or countries to participate in the Slam. School initiative is a chance to be creative and showcase your school, whether its has 100 students or 3,000 students! The winning school will receive a $100 cash prize and will be included in all national press releases and will be announced in June of 2019.
2nd grade
K-2 students may paint, draw a picture or use any combination of words and pictures to express their feelings or ideas about the topic: "What is the Meaning of Life?" Entries in this age category will be judged on creativity, originality and overall strength of the message the student is conveying. A national winner will be chosen from each grade level. Younger students may respond to revised questions, "What does hate mean to you?" Or, "What does love mean to you?"
grade 5th Grade
Students may create artwork, paint, draw a picture, or write an essay to express their feelings or ideas about the question:"What is the Meaning of Life?" Students may use any creative combination of words and artwork or write an essay, short story, or poetry about the topic. Entries in this age category will be judged on creativity, originality, and overall strength of the response. A national winner will be chosen from each grade level. A national winner for best artwork also may be selected.
Grade 8th Grade
Students in grades 6-8 may submit an essay in 500 words or less, other prose form (e.g., dramatic reading), poetry, musical composition, or artwork in response to the question:"What is the Meaning of Life?" Essays may draw on personal experiences, observations and reflections, and/or research. Entries will be judged on originality, creativity, strength of philosophical argument, organization, and thought development, as well as spelling and grammar. A national winner will be chosen from each grade. A national music and/or art winner also may be selected, depending on submissions.
9th 12th
High school students may write an essay of 500 words or less, answering the philosophical question:"What is the Meaning of Life?" Essays may draw on personal experiences, observations and reflections, and/or research. Entries will be judged on originality, creativity, strength of philosophical argument, organization, and thought development, as well as spelling and grammar. A national panel of philosophically-inclined and educated judges will review the work of the finalists and identify The Most Philosophical Student in America in June of 2019.
Special Philosophy Slam:
For all grade levels K- 12, the Special Philosophy Slam is intended to encourage all students to think about and participate in philosophical conversations. There will be a participation certificate available for downloading and printing on the philosophyslam.org website. Students may submit an essay, paint, draw, or use any combination of words and pictures to express their feelings and/or ideas about the question: What is the Meaning of Life? Entries in this category will be judged more on creativity, originality, and clarity of the message. Note: Please write “Special Slam” at the top of each entry in this category. National winner(s) will be selected based on the number of entries received and announced annually in June.
International Entries: