Support by regional and national companies,
corporations, individuals and foundations make the Kids Philosophy
Slam possible. We invite you to join us in our mission and vision.
Benefits of Sponsoring Us: Sponsorship
- This is an innovative idea that encourages
kids to think, grow, create and expand their minds. Our program
needs your support to reach kids, teachers, schools and parents
- Over 20 million media impressions
including the NBC Today Show, the New York Times, New York Daily
News National Public Radio and the Associated Press.
- National public relations firm is working
with Kids Philosophy Slam for 2002-03 with $50,000 in kind
- We target nationwide a key demographic
of kids in grades K-12 as well as parents and teachers.
- We have a proven track record of success
with a unique, dynamic idea that promotes thinking and creativity
with a positive message.
- Very cost effective way to promote and
market your company given our national media coverage which
will work for you and your brand recognition.
- Fast growing idea with broad appeal and
huge growth potential. (For example, The National Geography
Bee now reaches over 5 million kids)
The Kids Philosophy Slam
wants to maximize the marketing exposure for your company or product.
Sponsorship is a very valuable, cost effective way of getting
out your message, while supporting a creative and innovative educational
idea! For more information or to set up a sponsorship package
or partnership with your company, please e-mail us at info@philosophyslam.org
or contact us at 507-467-0107.
The Kids Philosophy Slam is supported
in part by:
Internet Service Provider
Haberman & Associates: Modern Storytellers for Media
+ Marketing
Minnesota Humanities Commission
Industries of Fayetteville North Carolina
Sponsorship levels
Regional Sponsor
Regional Sponsors provide valuable support
and funding for the Kids Philosophy Slam. Regional sponsor name
is included in all Kids Philosophy Slam brochures, program information
and web site. Regional Sponsor will also receive a link on the
sponsor page of www.philosophyslam.org
as well as your company description on our web site sponsor page.
In addition to the above benefits, and the
satisfaction of partnering with a unique national program, Regional
Sponsors will also receive recognition as the sponsor of any grade
level from Kindergarten through eighth grade. Sponsors may select
any grade level from K through 8th grade for sponsorship.
Regional Sponsors will be included in press release announcing
winners of the grade level they are sponsoring.
National Sponsor
National Sponsor is the second highest level
of support, providing key funding for the Kids Philosophy Slam.
National Sponsors name is included in all media releases
and all publications, fact sheets and brochures. National Sponsors
are listed in all e-mail correspondence with schools and students
on our Kids Philosophy Slam List serve. National sponsor will
also receive prominent link on the main page of www.philosophyslam.org
as well as company description on our web site.
In addition to the above benefits, National
Sponsors may select to be the sole sponsor of either "The
Most Philosophical school in America" or "The Most Philosophical
Student in America". National Sponsors will be listed and
credited in separate press releases for these two categories.
Presenting Sponsor $100,000.
Presenting Sponsor is the highest level
of support, providing comprehensive funding for the Kids Philosophy
Slam. Presenting sponsor name is included in tag line for event.
For example: The 2003 (Your Company name) Kids Philosophy Slam.
Presenter name included in all media releases and all publications,
fact sheets and brochures. Presenting Sponsors are listed in all
e-mail correspondence with schools and students on our Kids Philosophy
Slam list serve.
Presenting sponsor will also receive prominent
banner link on the main page of www.philosophyslam.org
as well as company description on our web site. The presenting
sponsor is the sole sponsor of "The most Philosophical school
in America" as well as "The most Philosophical student
in America" In addition, the presenting sponsor is the sole
sponsor each individual grade level winners from Kindergarten
through eighth grade.
Trademark and Copyright 2002 Kids Philosophy
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Privacy Policy
Last updated: January 03, 2002.