2005 - 7th Grade 5th Place:
Andrew Hagler, Arizona
Truth is reality, and beauty is a perception
based on one's beliefs. The reason truth is more important than
beauty is because when truth is unaltered, it can be beautiful
but still real. The argument that truth can be changed and altered
is not a valid argument because that would not be the real truth.
Beauty is a truly wonderful thing in its own way, but can be altered
much more so than truth in ways that alienate and segregate people
in society.
There can be more than one truth, just as there can be more than
one answer to a problem when two answers are not incorrect, but
neither has been proven. The most famous example of this is Darwin's
theory of evolution, which has two different truths which have
not been proven completely correct or incorrect. Creationism has
not been proven, just as the theory of evolution hasn't been proven,
yet both sides see their own interpretation as the truth. All
religions believe that their ways are the truth, and that causes
conflict due to the fact that the fundamental beliefs of all people
differ widely. In these cases all the ideas involved are perceived
as the most basic truth because we, up to now, cannot find a way
to explain exactly what the pure, unaltered truth is.
Beauty is a thing of wonder, yet it has the potential to carry
great evil. Beauty has the ability to segregate because what one
culture thinks is beautiful is always separate from what they
believe is ugly. Because beauty is considered "normal"
and what every person should try to be or adhere to, those considered
ugly in some form would be outcast and segregated from the majority
of society. Truth itself can be ugly, because people don't always
want to see what they stand against or disagree with. If one religion
was somehow proven to be the complete and utter truth, many people
would still rebel against it because of their own beliefs. If
people confronted and acknowledged the same truth, there would
be no reason for the brutal practice of segregation because views
on a specific subject would not differ.
However, truth is a unified. It is something people can recognize
as reality, and then can base facts and opinions on it because
everyone is on the same, solid ground. Once everyone sees and
acknowledges the truth, a utopian society would not be out of
reach. Truth is more important because without it people could
not grasp or agree on one specific conclusion because they have
nothing that is a solid fact, only inferences which would be based
on lies. If truth was non-existent, humanity would never intellectually
advance because math, science, literature, and all languages would
not have truth, so they would lack a consistent set of rules on
which to base all math problems, scientific theories, and rules
of languages. Truth is the reality, while beauty is a deceptive
perception with the possibility of unfairness and evil.
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