2005 - 7th Grade 3rd Place:
Rebeca Robledo, Illinois
Truth or Beauty?
What is more important in your life, truth
or beauty? My response is a very limited one, limited because
it's limited to my mind, my knowledge, and my experiences. My
response is beauty. The reason I strongly favor beauty is because
many people believe beauty is just one the surface, but I believe
there is also inner beauty. "Strange that the vanity which
accompanies beauty-excusable, perhaps, when there is such great
beauty, or at any rate understandable-should persist after the
beauty was gone," Aristotle one said this and I believe this
to be true because even after the surface beauty was gone if someone
were to have such a great amount of inner beauty the beauty would
remain within the person and would shine through even after all
the surface beauty would be gone, so it would seem as if the beauty
was never gone. An experience as I have mentioned before is limited
to the person to whom it belongs unless he/she decides to inform
another individual. This experience however I am sure was not
limited to the person who experienced it because it appeared on
television. Last year on Mother's Day I was watching a show on
the station, HBO (Home Box Office). This show showed a young girl
who had been burned when she was a baby. Looking at the screen
kind of became a mental or even a physical challenge for me because
of the intense deformity of the child that the fire had created.
They then showed how the girl looked now that she was about seven
and just seeing how joyful and alive she was made me realize that
she had more beauty than anyone I knew. She had inner beauty even
though she didn't have outer beauty. Her beauty was stronger than
any I had ever seen.
Inner or outer beauty, which is greater? Outer beauty may be here
today and gone tomorrow, but if kept modest inner beauty lasts
an eternity.
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